Monday, March 28, 2011

Possible Pakr Locations

Process Summary for “Vector Analysis II”
Deliverables:  1 Map and Process Summary
·        Possible Park Locations
1.      Followed Steps in Lab: Vector Analysis II
2.      Added roads.shp
3.      Buffer value of 300 meters around roads
4.      Added water.shp
5.      Created new field: buffdist and gave lakes a value of 150 and river 500
6.      Arranged my layers and adjusted fill colors to correspond with the phenomena
7.      Created water_buffer layer and road_buffer layer
8.      Used union tool to combine water_buffer and roads_buffer
9.      The rest of the exercise is answered on my Q/A section
10.  Save as: H:\Working Projects\VectorII\VectorII_ndp.mxd
11.  Layers Selected: possible_sites, water, and roads
12.  Size and Position
13.  Add Title: Possible Park Locations
14.  Add North  Arrow (Size, Position, Style)
15.  Add Scale: Size, Position, Font, Set Division Units Miles
16.  Add Name and Date: Nick Peloquin 28 Mar 2011, Position, Font
17.  Add Data Source: UWF
18.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\VectorII\VectorII_ndp.jpg
·        Lab Questions/Answers
Submitted in the dropbox document

Monday, March 21, 2011

Flow Maps

  • Process Summary for “Module 9 – Flow Mapping
Deliverables:  1 Map and Process Summary
·        Immigration to the United States in 2007
1.      Followed Steps in Lab: Flow Mapping
2.      Added shapefiles: world and export_output, positioned and changed to landscap, changed background color
3.      Layers selected: world
4.      Add title: Immigration to the United States in 2007
5.      Add North Arrow
6.      Add text: Created by Nicholas Peloquin, 21 Mar 2011 and Data Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Securtiy 2007
7.      Exported: H:\Working Projects\Module 9\
8.      Opened file:
9.      Created four classes for data: 301-400 thousand is 5 pt, 201-300 is 4 pt, 101-201 is 2.75 pt, and 1-100 is 2 pt
10.  Added Arrows and labels
11.  Save as: H:\Working Projects\Module 9 – Flow Maps\
12.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Module 9\flow_ndp.jpg
·        Lab Questions/Answer

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dot Mapping

  • Process Summary for “Module 8 – Dot Mapping”
Deliverables:  1 Map and Process Summary
·        Population Density of Florida’s Panhandle
1.      Followed Steps in Lab:
2.      Opened file:
3.      Copied the 15 most northwest counties in FL and expanded them and added a rectangle
4.      Changed fill colors: Green and bright green
5.      Changed artboard to landscape
6.      Save as: H:\Working Projects\Module 8 – Dot Mapping\
7.      Used population data and dot size of 1.4 pt. Made calculations for each of the fifteen counties for 750 total dots for my map and result of 1600 per dot.
8.      Add Title: Population Density of Florida’s Panhandle
9.      Add legend, Created by: Nicholas Peloquin, 10 Mar 2011, Data Source: U.S. Census 2000
10.  Add North  Arrow
11.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Module 8\florida_ndp.jpg
·        Lab Questions/Answer