Monday, March 21, 2011

Flow Maps

  • Process Summary for “Module 9 – Flow Mapping
Deliverables:  1 Map and Process Summary
·        Immigration to the United States in 2007
1.      Followed Steps in Lab: Flow Mapping
2.      Added shapefiles: world and export_output, positioned and changed to landscap, changed background color
3.      Layers selected: world
4.      Add title: Immigration to the United States in 2007
5.      Add North Arrow
6.      Add text: Created by Nicholas Peloquin, 21 Mar 2011 and Data Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Securtiy 2007
7.      Exported: H:\Working Projects\Module 9\
8.      Opened file:
9.      Created four classes for data: 301-400 thousand is 5 pt, 201-300 is 4 pt, 101-201 is 2.75 pt, and 1-100 is 2 pt
10.  Added Arrows and labels
11.  Save as: H:\Working Projects\Module 9 – Flow Maps\
12.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Module 9\flow_ndp.jpg
·        Lab Questions/Answer

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