Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 1 GIS

These two products were a bit more challenging than the one before. I wanted to include the hotels on the San Diego Map, but I felt it was to cluttered with them on there. The youthcenter product challenged me. Well, the legend portion of it did. Now I know how to adjust the style of the legend better than before.

Process Summary for “Getting Started with ArcGIS Desktop”
Topics Covered:  Map Creation and Design Skills
Deliverables:  2 Maps and Process Summary
·        San Diego, CA
1.      Open file: H:\Working Projects\LearnArcGIS\Start\tourism.mxd
2.      Save as: H:\Working Projects\ LearnArcGIS\Start\tourism_ndp.mxd
3.      Followed Steps in ESRI Training Module 1
4.      Layers Deselected: Surface Streets
5.      Set Zoom
6.      Add to Legend: Major Attractions and Trolley Stops
7.      Turn on Labels Feature on United States, Cities of Interest Layer
8.      Converted North to Graphic: Changed Symbol and Color
9.      Add Neatline: Gap 10, Border 1.0, Background Grey 10%
10.  Size and Position: 7.5x10, Align to Center and Align to Vertical Center
11.  Adjust Frames
12.  Adjust Scale: Set Frequency, Set Number of Divisions 4
13.  Add Name and Date: Nick Peloquin 15 Jan 11, Size, Position, Font
14.  Add Data Source: SANDAG, Size, Position, Font
15.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Week 1\tourism_ndp.jpg
·        Youthcenter
1.      Open file: H:\Working Projects\LearnArcGIS\Start\youthcenter.mxd
2.      Save as: H:\Working Projects\ LearnArcGIS\Start\youthcenter_ndp.mxd
3.      Followed Steps in ESRI Training Module 1
4.      Layers Selected: selected_building, Youth Populatioin
5.      Add Neatline: Gap 10, Double Line
6.      Add Title: Potential Buildings For New Youth Center, Size, Position, Font
7.      Add Name and Date: Nicholas Peloquin 16 Jan 2011
8.      Add Data Source: CFCC 2000, ESRI
9.      Add Legend: Potential Buildings and Youth Population, Size, Position, Font, Adjust Style
10.  Add North Arrow: Size Position
11.  Add Scale: Set Divisions, Size, Position
12.  Adjust Colors Color Ramp for Youth Population
13.  Export Map Document: H:\Finished Products\Week 1\youthcenter_ndp.jpg
·        Lab Questions/Answers

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