Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Process Summary for “GeoDatabases and Modeling Tools”
Deliverables:  4 Screenshots and Process Summary
·         Module 4 Exercise 2
1.      Followed steps in exercise. Open ArcCatalog
2.      Explore files Census.shp, County.shp, Fema.shp, CountyBoundary.shp, MajorRoads.shp, FireDepts.shp.
3.      Create a file geodatabase
4.      Import multiple feature classes into the geodatabase
5.      Import the Census Blocks feature class and exclude attributes
6.      Import the parcels and landuse feature classes into a new feature dataset
7.      Create a new Emergency Facilities feature class
8.      Load data into an empty feature class
9.      Import a table
10.  Copy an annotation feature class
11.  Import a raster dataset
12.  Create thumbnails
13.  Took screenshot
·         Module 7 Exercise 1
1.      Followed steps in exercise
2.      Opened Fireassessment.mxd
3.      Examined the workflow diagram
4.      Buffer Creeks: 200 meters
5.      Clip: Creeks_Buffer
6.      View Statistics of Creeks_Buffer_Clip
7.      Intersect FirePerimeter and Vegetation
8.      Determine total area burned for Day 1
9.      Adjust layer symbology: Transparent: 35
10.  Took screenshot of step 9c
·         Module 7 Exercise 2
1.      Followed steps in exercise
2.      Open Assessment2.mxd
3.      Review workflow diagram
4.      Create toolbox in ArcCatalog: Fire.gdb, named FireTools
5.      Create model in FireTools
6.      Rename model Assessment
7.      Add processto the model: Creeks, Output1, 200 meters
8.      Add second process to Assessment
9.      Run model
10.  Took screenshot of step 9
11.  Add Output1 and Output1_clip to map
·         Module 7 Exercise 3
1.      Followed steps in exercise
2.      Open Timber.mxd
3.      Review model
4.      Open model to edit
5.      Remane feature class to FinalC
6.      Run model
7.      Modify model: change FinalC to FinalD in the Clip tool
8.      Run model
9.      Select by attributes: FinalC and Final D layers whose N_Distance values AND S_Distance values are equal to 0
10.  Field Calculator: [ValuePerMeter]*[Shape_Area]/1000000
11.  Delete intermediate data
12.  Took screenshot of step 13
·         Lab Questions/Answers

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