Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Windmill on the Great Lakes

I close a site that is located 7 miles East of Alpena, MI.

Landscape and visual impact: The site is on a peninsula and has trees on the waterfront that will help hide the windmills. The windmills can be tall enough to be productive without protruding too high above the tree tops. There are no residents within 3.5 miles of the site.

Shadow flicker: Since the site is elevated above the water and surrounded by trees, the passer-bys will only see a small bit of the rotating blades. The impact of shadow flicker is extremely low.

Noise: The impact of noise will not be a factor. The site is so secluded that noise could possibly impact boaters. The majority of boaters use powered boats versus sailboats and that will mitigate the impact of noise.

Shipping impact: I did a search on and there are plenty of windmill manufacturers on Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. So, the logistics of shipping the windmills will be easy since the site has water access.

Ornithology: According to the USGS, the Scarlet Tanager, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, and American Redstart could possibly be affected since the location in within their migration routes. There are two ponds near the proposed site. However, they appear to be shallow and are a different color than other larger lakes further to the west that appear to more suitable for migrating birds.

Wind Speed: Michigan Department of Energy Labor, and Economic Growth shows that winds are at or above 11 mph for 30 meters in height. Which will be sufficient to power a  windmill.

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