Thursday, February 24, 2011


  • Process Summary for “United States of America”
Deliverables:  2 Maps and Process Summary
·         United States of America
1.      Followed Steps in Lab: Choropleth Mapping
2.      Added data: state_pop.shp
3.      Changed Projections for all data sets to North American Albers Equal Area Conic.
4.      Save as: H:\Working Projects\Module 6 – Choropleth\ Choropleth_ndpmxd
5.      Created layers for Alaska and Hawaii
6.      Layers Selected: Alaska, Hawaii, and United States
7.      Add Neatline: Gap 0, Border 1.0, Background 10% Grey
8.      Size and Position: Align to Center, Vertical Center
9.      Add Title: United States of America, Size, Position, Font
10.  Add legend
11.  Add North  Arrow
12.  Add Scale: Size, Position, Font, Set Division Units Miles, Note: Scale Bar is incorrect, Alaska and Hawaii are not to scale
13.  Add Name and Date: Nick Peloquin 24 Feb 2011, Position, Font
14.  Add Data Source: Data Source: U. S.  Census 2000 Position, Font
15.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Choropleth\
16.  Cleaned up in AI, Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Choropleth\Choropleth_ndp.jpg
·         United States of America
17.  Followed Steps in Lab: Choropleth Mapping
18.  Save as: H:\Working Projects\Module 6 – Choropleth\
19.  Moved scale to United States Group
20.  Separated the Data in Different Regions on Excel and Completed Calculations
21.  Filled States Appropriately
22.  Adjusted Legend
23.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Choropleth\Choropleth_grey_ndp.jpg
·         Lab Questions/Answer

Seminole County

  • Process Summary for “Seminole County, Florida”
Deliverables:  1 Map and Process Summary
·         Seminole County, Florida
1.      Followed Steps in Lab: Data Search
2.      Downloaded FL cntbnd, nhd100waterbody_may06, cities_feb04, gfcwet, usgsdem, rds2459, aqdrfl59, gap_lcov59
3.      Changed Projections for all data sets to Albers.
4.      Created 7 different layers
5.      Save as: H:\Working Projects\clip_data\Seminole\Seminole_ndp.mxd
6.      Layers Selected: Cities_clip, DOQQ_mask, rds2459, water, wetland_mask, gap_lcov59
7.      Add Neatline: Gap 0, Border 1.0, Background 10% Grey
8.      Size and Position: Align to Center
9.      Add Title: Seminole County, Florida Size, Position, Font
10.  Did not add legend because the the different insets are labeled
11.  Add North  Arrow
12.  Add Scale: Size, Position, Font, Set Division Units Miles
13.  Add Name and Date: Nick Peloquin 22 Feb 2011, Position, Font
14.  Add Data Source: Data Source: USGS, FGDL 2004, 2008, NHD 2006 Position, Font
15.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\clip_data\\Seminole_ndp.jpg
·         Lab Questions/Answer

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

GIS Data Search

I did a data search for GIS data for Afghanistan. I found several sites that had cost associated with downloading the data. The U.S. Geological Survey had a wide variety of free downloads available at UTM is available and the different resources include LandSat, ASTER, Elevation, Geology, and Topography. There is a variety of scales available from 14m to 90m and 1:200,000 to 1:500,000.

Projections 2

Process Summary for “Projections Part 2”
Topics Covered:  Downloading, Importing, Defining, Converting, and Explaining Your Data

Deliverables:  1 Map, 2 Screenshots, and Process Summary

    NAD 1983 State Plane Florida North FIPS 0903

    Followed Steps in Lab: Projections Part 2

    Changed Projections for cntbnd_project, all q5258 and q5259 to NAD 1983 State Plane Florida North FIPS 0903.

    Imported x,y Data from Escambia_tanks.xls, Changed projections to NAD 1983 State Plane Florida North FIPS 0903

    Add datasets from ArcCatalog to ArcMap: cntbnd_project, all q5258 and q5259, and Export_Output_Project

    Save as: H:\Working Projects\Projections_2\Assignment\Projections2_ndp.mxd

    Layers Selected: cntbnd_project, q5258 and q5259, and Export_Output_Project

    Add Neatline: Gap 0, Border 1.0, Background Blue

    Size and Position: Align to Center

    Add Title: NAD 1983 State Plane Florida North FIPS 0903, Size, Position, Font

    Add Legend: Position, Size, Change Dataset Name, Add Border

    Add North  Arrow to Each Data Frame(Size, Position, Style)

    Add Scale: Size, Position, Font, Set Division Units Miles

    Add Name and Date: Nick Peloquin 15 Feb 2011, Position, Font

    Add Data Source: FGDL 2008, LABINS 2004, Position, Font

    Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Projections 2\Projections2_ndp.jpg

    Took Two Screenshots to Show All Coordinate Systems

    Lab Questions/Answers

Q1: What is the projection information of file cntbnd?

A!: Albers, Coordinate System: GCS North American 1983 HARN

Q2: What is the projection information of file qd24?

A2: Albers, Coordinate System: GCS North American 1983 HARN

Q3: What is the projection information of file majrds_feb10?

A3: Albers, Coordinate System: GCS North American 1983 HARN

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I had to add my own North arrow. I did not see the ESRI North arrows in the symbol section in essentials.
This was a neat intro to AI. What has Microsoft Paint been doing all of these years?

Data Classification

Q: Which classification do you think best represents the data and why.
A; I chose the Quantile method because it provides an equal number of observations in each class. It shows the distribution of the population better than the other three choices.

Monday, February 7, 2011


Here are two maps, link, from that show the area a year prior and during the flood.  The purpose is it shows how much of the area has been affected by the flood. The contrast of colors make it simple, easy, and quick for comparison.

These maps will not be useful to actual recover or relief workers since they are so zoomed out. They were designed to compliment the article listed below them. If you click on the links on the lower right, you will rotate through the different images of Queensland.

These maps can be used by relief and aid workers since you can plot out the area and really make a determination about where the flooding is in Rockhampton.


Projections Part 1

Process Summary for “Projections Part 1”
Topics Covered:  ArcToolbox, Re-projections shapefiles, Defining projections, Creating new shapefiles, Editor toolbar
Deliverables:  1 Map and Process Summary
·         Projection_P1
1.      Followed Steps in Lab: Projections Part I
2.      Add datasets from ArcCatalog to ArcMap: cntbnd
3.      Save as: H:\Working Projects\Projections_1\Projections_1\ProjectionsP1 _ndp.mxd
4.      Layers Selected: cntbnd, cntbnd_utm16, cntbnd_stateplanen
5.      Add Neatline: Gap 5, Border 1.0, Background 10% Grey
6.      Size and Position: Align to Center and Align to Vertical Center
7.      Add Title: Florida: Viewed in Different Projections, Size, Position, Font
8.      Add Legends to Each Data Frame: Position, Size, Change File Names, Add Border, Convert to Graphics
9.      Create Reports For Each Projection: Alachua, Escambia, Miami-Dade, and Polk Counties
10.  Add North  Arrow to Each Data Frame(Size, Position, Style)
11.  Add Scale: Size, Position, Font, Set Division Units Miles, Set Division Value 1
12.  Add Name and Date: Nick Peloquin 07 Feb 11, Size, Position, Font
13.  Add Data Source: FGDL 2003, Position, Font
14.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Projections 1\ProjectionsP1_ndp.jpg
·         Lab Questions/Answers
Q1: A projected coordinate system is always based on a geographic coordinate system that is based on a sphere or spheroid. T/F?
A1: True
Q2: If a data source has an undefined coordinate system, ArcMap cannot project it on the fly. ArcMap will simply draw it. T/F?
A2: True
Q3: From the properties of uwf_n and uwf_n_utm what are the cellsizes for each raster?
A3: uwf_n.jpg: 1.0034133, 0.99926691 and uwf_n_utm: 0.30457716, 0.30457716
Q4: Acccording to ArcGIS Desktop Help (using the Search tab), which Coordinate System is used for most federal, state, and local large-scale mapping projects in the United States?
A4: State Plane Coordinate System
Q5: Let’s say you have a project site located 20 miles SW of Savannah, GA. What would UTM zone be appropriate for most of your on-site data?
A5: 17