Thursday, February 24, 2011

Seminole County

  • Process Summary for “Seminole County, Florida”
Deliverables:  1 Map and Process Summary
·         Seminole County, Florida
1.      Followed Steps in Lab: Data Search
2.      Downloaded FL cntbnd, nhd100waterbody_may06, cities_feb04, gfcwet, usgsdem, rds2459, aqdrfl59, gap_lcov59
3.      Changed Projections for all data sets to Albers.
4.      Created 7 different layers
5.      Save as: H:\Working Projects\clip_data\Seminole\Seminole_ndp.mxd
6.      Layers Selected: Cities_clip, DOQQ_mask, rds2459, water, wetland_mask, gap_lcov59
7.      Add Neatline: Gap 0, Border 1.0, Background 10% Grey
8.      Size and Position: Align to Center
9.      Add Title: Seminole County, Florida Size, Position, Font
10.  Did not add legend because the the different insets are labeled
11.  Add North  Arrow
12.  Add Scale: Size, Position, Font, Set Division Units Miles
13.  Add Name and Date: Nick Peloquin 22 Feb 2011, Position, Font
14.  Add Data Source: Data Source: USGS, FGDL 2004, 2008, NHD 2006 Position, Font
15.  Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\clip_data\\Seminole_ndp.jpg
·         Lab Questions/Answer

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