Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Projections 2

Process Summary for “Projections Part 2”
Topics Covered:  Downloading, Importing, Defining, Converting, and Explaining Your Data

Deliverables:  1 Map, 2 Screenshots, and Process Summary

    NAD 1983 State Plane Florida North FIPS 0903

    Followed Steps in Lab: Projections Part 2

    Changed Projections for cntbnd_project, all q5258 and q5259 to NAD 1983 State Plane Florida North FIPS 0903.

    Imported x,y Data from Escambia_tanks.xls, Changed projections to NAD 1983 State Plane Florida North FIPS 0903

    Add datasets from ArcCatalog to ArcMap: cntbnd_project, all q5258 and q5259, and Export_Output_Project

    Save as: H:\Working Projects\Projections_2\Assignment\Projections2_ndp.mxd

    Layers Selected: cntbnd_project, q5258 and q5259, and Export_Output_Project

    Add Neatline: Gap 0, Border 1.0, Background Blue

    Size and Position: Align to Center

    Add Title: NAD 1983 State Plane Florida North FIPS 0903, Size, Position, Font

    Add Legend: Position, Size, Change Dataset Name, Add Border

    Add North  Arrow to Each Data Frame(Size, Position, Style)

    Add Scale: Size, Position, Font, Set Division Units Miles

    Add Name and Date: Nick Peloquin 15 Feb 2011, Position, Font

    Add Data Source: FGDL 2008, LABINS 2004, Position, Font

    Export Map Document:  H:\Finished Products\Projections 2\Projections2_ndp.jpg

    Took Two Screenshots to Show All Coordinate Systems

    Lab Questions/Answers

Q1: What is the projection information of file cntbnd?

A!: Albers, Coordinate System: GCS North American 1983 HARN

Q2: What is the projection information of file qd24?

A2: Albers, Coordinate System: GCS North American 1983 HARN

Q3: What is the projection information of file majrds_feb10?

A3: Albers, Coordinate System: GCS North American 1983 HARN

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